Credo मा स्वागत छ, हामी एक औद्योगिक पानी पम्प निर्माता हो।

सबै श्रेणियाँ

प्रविधि सेवा

क्रेडो पम्पले आफूलाई निरन्तर विकास गर्न समर्पित गर्नेछ

स्प्लिट केसिङ पम्पको नेमप्लेटमा प्यारामिटरहरू कसरी व्याख्या गर्ने र उपयुक्त एक कसरी चयन गर्ने

कोटिहरू: टेक्नोलोजी सेवा लेखक: उत्पत्ति: उत्पत्ति जारी हुने समय: 2024-10-25
हिट्स: 23

The nameplate of a pump usually indicates important parameters such as flow, head, speed and power. This information not only reflects the basic working capacity of the pump, but also directly relates to its applicability and efficiency in practical applications.


The flow, head, speed and power on the pump nameplate are important indicators for understanding the performance of the pump. The specific explanations are as follows:

Flow: Indicates the amount of water that theविभाजित आवरण पम्पcan deliver per unit time, usually in cubic meters per hour (m³/h) or liters per second (L/s). The larger the flow value, the stronger the delivery capacity of the pump.

Head: refers to the height to which the  pump can overcome gravity to lift water, usually in meters (m). The higher the head, the greater the pressure of the pump, and the higher the water can be delivered.

Speed: The speed of the विभाजित आवरण पम्प is usually expressed in revolutions per minute (RPM), which indicates the number of revolutions of the pump shaft per minute. The speed directly affects the flow and head of the water pump. Generally, the higher the speed, the higher the flow and head will be. However, the characteristics of the specific pump type should also be considered.

Power: It indicates the electrical power required by the water pump when it is running, usually in kilowatts (kW). The power is closely related to the performance of the water pump. The greater the power, the higher the flow and head the water pump can provide.

When selecting and using the pump, it is necessary to comprehensively consider these parameters according to the specific working conditions and needs to ensure that the water pump can operate efficiently and stably.

एक छनौट गर्दा विभाजित आवरण pump, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the following parameters to ensure that the water pump can meet the requirements of the specific application:

Flow Requirement:

Select the flow rate according to the amount of water that the system needs to transport. First, clarify the maximum flow rate that needs to be transported, and select the water pump based on this.

Head Requirement:

Determine whether the water pump can meet the required lifting height. Calculate the total head of the system, including static head (such as the height from the water source to the water point), dynamic head (such as pipeline friction loss), increased safety factor, etc.

Speed and Pump Type:

Select the appropriate pump type (such as centrifugal pump, gear pump, etc.) according to the characteristics of the system. Common centrifugal pumps are divided into high-speed and low-speed types. When choosing, you should consider the coordination with the motor.

शक्ति गणना:

Calculate the required driving power to ensure that the power of the motor can meet the operating requirements of the water pump. Usually the power is related to the flow rate, head and pump efficiency. The formula can be used:


Where P is power (W), Q is flow rate (m³/s), H is head (m), ρ is water density (kg/m³), g is gravity acceleration (about 9.81 m/s²), and η is pump efficiency (usually 0.6 to 0.85).

कार्य वातावरण:

Consider the working environment of the water pump, such as temperature, medium characteristics (clean water, sewage, chemical liquid, etc.), humidity, and whether it is corrosive.

प्रणाली कन्फिगरेसन:

Consider the layout of the split casing pump in the system, as well as the design of the piping system, including pipe length, diameter, elbows, etc., to ensure that the pump can reach the design parameters in actual operation.

मर्मत र लागत:

Choose a pump that is easy to maintain and consider the long-term operating costs, including energy consumption, maintenance and spare parts costs.


Parameters such as flow, head, speed and power on the pump nameplate are important bases for selecting a suitable split casing pump. In practical applications, understanding and applying these indicators can not only ensure the efficient operation of the pump, but also significantly improve the overall performance and economy of the system.

तातो कोटीहरू
