Nau mai ki Credo, He Kaihanga Pump Wai Ahumahi matou.

Ngā Kāwai katoa

Ratonga Hangarau

Ka whakapau kaha a Credo Pump ki te whakawhanake tonu

Axial Split Case Pump Impeller Applications

Ngā kāwai:Ratonga Hangarau Mō te Author: Taketake:Origin Te wa tuku:2024-07-17
Hits: 8

He maha nga mea hei whakaaro i te wa e kowhiri ana i tetahi axial ritua take papu me te impeller tika. 

radial split <a class='inkey' href='//' target='_blank'>case pump</a> flow rate

Tuatahi, me mohio tatou ki hea me kawe te wai me te reiti rere. Ko te huinga o te upoko me te rere e hiahiatia ana ka kiia ko te waahi mahi. Ko te tohu mahi e pa ana ki te ahuahanga impeller e hiahiatia ana. Ko nga tono me te pupuhi poutū roa (te upoko teitei) me nui ake te rahi o nga kaitakawaenga o waho atu i nga tono me te pupuhi poutū poto (pupuhi).

Another consideration that is directly related to impeller size is the expected solids content in the application. Many applications have a variety of solids in the pumped media. These solids can range from small abrasive debris such as sand or metal shavings to fine fibrous materials to large solids the size of a baseball or larger. The pump and impeller selected must be able to pass these solids while avoiding clogging and damage from wear. Additional consideration must also be given to the equipment downstream of the axial split case pump. While a pump can be selected to pass a specific type of solids, it cannot be assumed that the downstream piping, valves, and other process equipment will have the same solids handling capabilities. Knowing the expected solids content in the liquid is critical not only to selecting the right size pump and impeller, but also to selecting the impeller style that best suits the application.

Ko tetahi o nga mea totoka e whakahaere ana i nga impellers ko te impeller tuwhera. Kei te whakamahia tenei impeller i roto i te parakaingaki me te maimoatanga wai para, he ahuahanga kei roto i nga waahanga i waenga i nga matatahi me te taha tuwhera e anga atu ana ki te kokoru. Ko nga mokowā i waenga i nga matatahi he ara maeneene mo te kaihoroi ki te pana i nga totoka taumai mai i te poka momi impeller ki te volute ka mutu ma te tuku papu.

Ko tetahi atu whiringa mo te whakahaere i te totoka ko te vortex me te impeller recessed. Ko tenei momo impeller ka mau ki roto i te casing (te hanga mokowā tuwhera nui i waenganui i te impeller me te tauranga momi) me te whakakorikori i te rere o te wai i roto i nga pooro i hangaia e te tere hurihanga o te impeller. Ahakoa kaore i te tino pai tenei huarahi, he maha nga painga mo te huarahi totoka. Ko nga painga nui ko te waahi kore utu nui me te iti o te arai ki nga huarahi totoka.

Pumps used at high altitudes have their own set of solids handling considerations. Since these applications typically use smaller piping, the solids passage size of the entire system must be considered, not just the pump. Typically, the axial split case pump manufacturers offering high-pressure pumps will include a strainer at the inlet to prevent large solids from entering the pump. 

This is ideal for high-pressure applications where minimal solids are expected, but can cause clogging if enough solids accumulate around the screen surface.

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right axial split case pump and impeller, and understanding the various styles of pumps and impellers is often one of the most critical steps.

Nga waahanga wera
